Preventive Dental Treatments

No one likes to have a cavity, and although regular brushing and flossing are extremely important, they’re just not enough to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy. For that, you need to add preventive dental treatments to your oral care routine. A regular program of preventive dental care including comprehensive exams and dental cleaning can help you avoid cavities, gum disease and even tooth loss.

What are preventive dental treatments?

Preventive dental treatments are treatments that are performed to help protect your teeth and prevent major problems like gum disease and tooth loss. They include everything from teeth cleaning and x-rays to scaling and planning procedures that ensure your teeth are healthy even below the gum line. Dr. Stoner can also perform an oral cancer screening and provide you with guidance about dental hygiene to ensure you’re brushing and flossing correctly.

What problems can be helped through preventive dental treatments?

Preventive treatments are the best way to prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Because treatments are designed to address the whole tooth – even cleaning below the gum line – they can ferret out hard-to-reach pockets of bacteria, eradicating them before they can cause decay or puffy, bleeding or receding gums, the telltale signs of gum disease. In fact, if you follow a routine of regular brushing and flossing combined with in-office preventive dental treatments, you can expect your healthy teeth and gums to last lifetime.

How often should I see my dentist?

The American Academy of Dentistry (AAD) recommends annual visits in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums and to prevent oral problems, but depending on your health, your age and the oral care issues you’re facing, you may need to visit your dentist more often for exams or cleanings.

What’s involved in a preventive dental exam?

During your exam, your teeth will be cleaned and examined for signs of decay or other issues and your gums will be evaluated to ensure they’re healthy. Dr. Stoner or the hygienist can tell just by looking at your teeth whether you’re brushing and flossing properly and can also give you advice about other oral care habits that could lead to decay or gum disease in the future. X-rays are usually performed only once a year to check for signs of disease or other issues below the gums. In some cases, Dr. Stoner may recommend additional procedures like scaling or root planning to make sure your teeth and gums remain healthy.

Preventing dental issues is key to maintaining good oral health and good health overall as well. If you’ve been avoiding dental issues, now is the time to take the first step toward a healthier future. Call us today at (260) 484-4181 or schedule an appointment online.